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facial acupuncture

The modern origin of this therapy dates back to China during the 1970s.

A group of patients were being treated with acupuncture at the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital due to facial paralysis. After a series of treatments, they realized that the patients, in addition to improving their paralysis, had a decrease in facial wrinkles, greater skin elasticity and a brighter facial glow. The same was also observed when treating vision problems or acne. It was then that it was thought that acupuncture could be applied directly to the face for aesthetic purposes.

They observed that this therapy was a very effective way to erase small lines around the eyes, lips, forehead and nose. As well as smoothing deep wrinkles. It also helped reduce bags under the eyes and redefined the chin and cheekbones in the case of ptosis (drooping).

For this reason, about 20 years ago, specific facial acupuncture treatments were introduced in the United States as an alternative to surgical treatments.

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